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Create blog content for a website

Content is the life source of a website. Your blog content can help you attract the right audience for your business.

Users consume information more than ever before.

Good quality content helps the website in –

  1. Attracting the target audience
  2. Aware the visitor of the benefits of the product.
  3. Relevant blog content generates higher click through rate
  4. Helps in improving the reputation of a website

Thus choosing a right content strategy is vital for your business in long term.

So what are the most important things to consider while creating blog content.

  1. Have a plan- Assess what kind of content your audience is looking for on the internet. Keywords research tools help in understanding the searches people are making.

One such tool is Answer the public. It gives you a list of all the searches people have made in relation to a certain keyword. It helps in generating long tail keywords.

Make a list of the keywords which match with your product.

2. Create a roadmap- Now you have a list of relevant keywords/topics. Next step is to sort the keywords and weave them into an order. Creating blogs related to each other and properly categorized are good for user experience especially for the first few blogs.

3. Write for a small audience- It is impossible to create content which caters to everyone’s needs, so it’s better to pick a few people in the beginning and focus on their needs.

4. Tone of your blogs- Nobody wants to take orders or comply to free advise. Write your content as if you are teaching a friend. Keep the entire blog conversational and friendly.

5. Review the entire content- Once you are satisfied with the blog post, review it at least once. This step is often missed but it is actually one of the most important ones. Make changes whenever necessary.

6. Do the SEO- Do the SEO of the blog post.

  1. Check all the important keywords on which you intend to rank. Are they at the right places and how often have you repeated them?
  2. How is the headline looking? Is the monthly search volume good enough?
  3. Is the blog properly structured? Is it flowing?
  4. How well would your blog perform against your competitors? Does it contain more information or less than the competitor’s blogs?
  5. Are there sufficient internal links? How well is your blog connected to your other blogs?
  6. Are there some external links as well? External links are good to get in the good books of search engines. Are all external links from reputed websites? Do they work properly?

A blog post involves many steps but of course everything comes down to good quality content and SEO strategies.

To understand how to Search Engine optimize your blog post, refer to this blog.

I hope you found this post helpful. I try to make marketing easier and my tips are often basedon my personal experience.

If you would like to get in touch, feel free to comment or reach out to me on LinkedIn and I have recently started to provide marketing content on YouTube as well. I am very excited about it so please check it out and let me know what you think!

If you are wondering how to get started in digital marketing, check out my post on career roadmap.

Happy learning 🙂

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